Why time in the market beats timing the market when it comes to investing

Why time in the market beats timing the market when it comes to investing


“Time in the market beats timing the market.”

It’s a common investment adage, sometimes described as the “golden rule” of investing. But constant repetition doesn’t make it any less relevant today.

“Timing the market” is a strategy by both professional investors and amateur stock-pickers. Their approach is to try and buy stocks when the value is low, and then sell when it’s high.

Sometimes it will work, and they will show a tidy profit. Frequently, however, even seasoned professionals fail to accurately predict market movements.

History and experience show that you’re more likely to see the value of your investments increase over an extended period if you simply sit tight and do nothing rather than constantly adjust your portfolio holdings. Read on to find out why.

Research shows the perils of trying to time the market

Research published in...

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I started that job with a guaranteed Pension…is it still guaranteed?

The retirement/pensions industry is guilty of technical jargon that baffles anybody not working in Pensions!

This is particularly prevalent in group pension schemes. If you are that person who recalls being told of a guaranteed pension many moons ago, you may well remember terms like defined benefit, 50% salary etc.

This promise of a guaranteed monthly pension has rapidly evaporated in Ireland, high profile and particularly negative stories like Waterford Crystal pension scheme is a case in point. Thankfully most are not like this, however, they are under financial strain. Group DB schemes are now asking members to consider taking a set amount from these schemes and exiting.

The simple reason is cost, it is a promise that for many they can no longer be kept. However, like anything related to money, it is rarely straightforward! There are a few key questions one needs to ask of their scheme/trustee/themselves or a financial adviser:

  • Am I being asked or pressured to take a...
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